Build jobs
A build script consists of one or more jobs. There are two kinds of jobs: action jobs and container jobs. A job can be dependent on other jobs, which is indicated in the job configuration. In addition, jobs can require or produce artifacts, or they can use caches.
Jobs are always executed in parallel, up to a maximum (depending on the available computing capacity), unless they are dependent on another job, in which case they will only be started one the dependencies have finished.
When a job fails, either because there is an exception, or it returns an error value, any jobs that are dependent on the failing job are skipped. Other jobs will still be executed, but the build itself will be marked as failed.
Action Jobs
Action jobs are in essense Clojure functions that are called inside the build script. They are passed the build context, which can be used to fetch build parameters, or get more information about the build trigger, such as the current branch or tag, or modified files.
The function is supposed to return a value that indicates whether the job was successful or not. A return value of nil
is interpreted as a success. In order to indicate a failure, the job should return the failure
value from the build api.
(ns build
(:require [ :as m]))
;; This job will return `nil`, which means it succeeds
(def my-action
(fn [ctx]
(println "This job is executed with this context:" ctx))))
;; This job will fail
(def failing-job
(fn [ctx]
(-> m/failure
(m/with-message "The job has failed because I wanted it to")))))
A message is not required on an error result, but it is more user-friendly.
Container Jobs
As the name suggests, container jobs are executed in their own container. You need to indicate which image will be used for the job, and one or more script lines. For example:
(def some-container-job
(-> (m/container-job "example-job")
(m/image "")
(m/script ["ls -l"])))
A container job requires at least an image
and a script
. It's not required to add the hostname to the image url, but we advise to do so to avoid any confusion.
You cannot specify an explicit return value for container jobs. If all script lines are executed successfully, the job will succeed. Otherwise it will fail. The output of each line will be available for viewing in the user interface.
Note that each line is executed in it's own shell, so you cannot change directories or set environment variables in between lines. If you want to do that, you should put all commands in one line, or explicitly commit a script file in your repository. So this will most likely not give the expected results:
(def example-job
(-> (m/container-job "example-job")
(m/image "")
(m/script ["cd example-dir"
"ls -l"])))
The above job will not list the files in the example-dir
, but in the checkout directory instead. To alleviate this, you can either set the working directory for the script, using work-dir
, or put the commands in one script line. So both the examples here would work:
(def example-job-1
(-> (m/container-job "example-job-1")
(m/image "")
(m/script ["ls -l"])
(m/work-dir "example-dir")))
(def example-job-2
(-> (m/container-job "example-job-2")
(m/image "")
(m/script ["cd example-dir && ls -l"])))
Environment Variables
You can set environment variables on container jobs, by using the env
function. These are passed as-is to the container, and are available in each script line.
(def job-with-env
(-> (m/container-job "env-job")
(m/image "")
(m/script ["echo \"The value of the environment is $TEST_ENV\""])
(m/env {"TEST_ENV" "example value"})))
When executed, this job will output The value of the environment is example value
. Note that we escaped the "
for the echo
command with a backslash character. The value passed to env
is a regular key-value map, where the key is the name of each environment variable.
Environment variables an also be constructed from the build parameters.
Startup Times
Since action jobs are run inside the build script environment, and container jobs require starting a new container, action jobs have very low latency compared to container jobs. The downside of action jobs is then that you cannot choose which tools are available, and they may "contaminate" each other, when multiple action jobs are run that have some kind of persistent impact.
Starting a container job may incur a latency of up to a minute. This is however not charged towards your credit consumption. Only the seconds that the container script is actually running is taken into account.