
MonkeyCI is free to use up to a certain level. We strive to allow our users to be able to use it for non-commercial projects. Every user can create one customer for free. And each customer receives 1.000 credits per month to spend on their builds.


How are credits used? Credits are consumed by CPU minutes, memory and storage. How many credits are required per minute for a build is determined by the amount of memory you allocate, the number of CPU's, which architecture you use (ARM or AMD) and how many data you want to store in caches and artifacts.

This table gives you a basic overview:

So for example, if you have a build that runs for 5 minutes using the default settings (1 CPU, 2 GB RAM), it would cost you 5 * (1 + 2) = 15 credits.

Why is ARM cheaper than AMD?

Why do we charge twice the price for AMD CPU's? Because AMD provides two cores in their CPU, so you have essentially double the computing capacity. Unless you explicitly override the CPU type, MonkeyCI will use ARM CPU's. This makes your builds cheaper and they also consume less energy.

Commercial Use

MonkeyCI is only free for non-commercial use. Should you want to use it for commercial purposes (e.g. to build non-free software), you are kindly asked to switch to a paying plan. You will still receive the free 5.000 credits per month, and you receive an additional 2.000 credits per paying user.