• Getting Started
    Basic Example

    A basic example to show you how MonkeyCI build scripts work.

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  • Getting Started
    EDN example

    EDN is to Clojure what JSON is to JavaScript. It's a way to write declarative information, but it uses part of the syntax of Clojure. MonkeyCI build scripts essentially generate jobs that are structures of maps and lists. The last expression of the script should be the list of jobs (or the job, if there is only one) to execute. Or a function that generates that list, but that is a more advanced use-case.

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  • Getting Started
    JSON example

    Next to EDN and YAML, MonkeyCI also supports JSON. This is a very widely supported format, and the lingua franca for just about every machine-to-machine communication over the web.

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  • Getting Started
    A more useful example

    A more extended example of a build script that can be used in a real-life situation.

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  • Getting Started
    YAML example

    Most CI/CD tools use YAML in order to configure build scripts. YAML was designed as a way to create structured information, readable to both humans and machines. And indeed it's great for simple configurations.

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  • Getting Started
    Supported Platforms

    MonkeyCI tries to support the most popular platforms, and we plan to add more. Currently we support these git repository hosts:

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  • Getting Started
    User Registration

    Registering a new user is easy! All you need is an account on one of the supported platforms.

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  • Getting Started
    Why Clojure?

    Why have we chosen Clojure as our main build pipeline language and not a more well-known language like Java, C# or Javascript? Well, when we started this project, the selection of the build language was the most important decision to make. There were several criteria we used to decide:

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