• Extending
    Using 3rd Party Libraries

    MonkeyCI uses the Clojure CLI in order to execute the build scripts. This CLI allows to configure dependencies to include other libraries in your code, and so it's also possible to do this in your build scripts. These dependencies are configure in a file called deps.edn which should be put next to your build.clj, in the .monkeyci/ directory. Although the CLI provides a lot of functionality with this file, we use it mainly to declare dependencies, like so:

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  • Extending

    Plugins are a way to extend MonkeyCI's functionality. Basically, they are no more than regular Clojure libraries that you can include in your build using the deps.edn. In order to use a plugin, you have to require or use the relevant namespace in your build script, and then invoke the provided functions. There is no magic, it's simple to use!

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